Certificate of Graduate Study in FinTech
This Certificate of Graduate Study provides graduate students with a set of courses focused upon technology-enabled applications that disrupt financial sector operations. Such innovations can disrupt industry structures, revolutionize service portfolios and product delivery, create new opportunities for venture capital and growth, as well as introduce a new wave of privacy and regulation concerns. Examples that are central to FinTech include cryptocurrencies and the blockchain, digital advisory and trading systems, artificial intelligence and machine learning, peer-to-peer lending, equity crowdfunding and mobile payment systems. Employers looking for students with skill sets in this area include banks, consulting firms,financial technology, and investment firms. The certificate is a non-degree program open to all students admitted to degree a
nd non-degree study at Northern Illinois University.
Who Should Attend 谁应该参加
This innovative course is designed for those who want to enter the FinTech industry and stay ahead of innovative trends in finance, enabling them to thrive in a rapidly changing and technology-driven financial career.
Creating cutting-edge solutions based on industry disruption, risk compliance and regulatory professionals seek to enhance their expertise in FinTech and its frameworks.
Key Benefit 关键收益
Students learn the latest knowledge and strategies, identify threats from non-traditional competitors, and discover opportunities offered by FinTech to determine strategies. Fintech includes big data and analytics, mobile computing and modern financial services, among others. They can:
学生会学到最新的知识和策略,识别来自非传统对手的威胁,发现金融科技提供的机会,从而决定策略。 金融科技包括大数据和分析、移动计算和现代金融服务的技术等等。 他们可以:
● Understand the drivers of the fintech industry.
● In-depth knowledge of advanced machine learning theory and practice, especially in financial applications.
● Ability to develop computational solutions to implement a variety of data analysis techniques.
Course 课程
6学分FINA 640 Introduction to FinTech 金融科技简介 FINA 640 Financial Modeling 金融建模 金融技术基础介绍(FinTech)。主题包括金融科技、众筹和p2p借贷、区块链和加密货币、算法和高频交易对金融市场的颠覆。金融建模教授金融数据库的使用和局限性,运用当代统计方法分析决策数据。 选修课
6学分CSCI 602 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 算法设计与分析 CSCI 656 Artificial Intelligence 人工智能 选修课的学习内容包括:
- 设计和分析算法的高级技术,强调对理论和实践都具有中心意义的计算问题。
- 用于解决现实世界问题和接近人类智能的启发式算法。兴趣课
不算学分MSDA 681 Machine Learning and
Advanced Predictive Analytics机器学习和
高级预测分析MSDA 673 Business Data Visualization 商业数据可视化 MSDA 665X Big Data Analytics for Business 商业大数据分析 MSDA 649 Data Analytics Programming 数据分析编程 MSDA 683X Business Applications of Text Mining 文本挖掘的商业应用 OMIS 645 Applied Business Analytics Using SAS 使用SAS应用商业分析 以上6门课程不在学分要求中,学生可以根据兴趣进行选择。
MSDA 681 - 对机器学习算法用于预测未来事件或发现有意义模式的分析方法的全面研究。
MSDA 673 - 创建各种类型数据的可视化,以解锁隐藏的模式和含义。
MSDA 665X - 深入研究数据科学和大数据分析的概念、方法和工具,以业务场景为重点。
MSDA 649 - 介绍使用SAS和Python的数据管理和分析的基础知识。
MSDA 683X - 介绍大量文本数据的强大功能以及使用r在如此大的文本中寻找模式的计算方法。
OMIS 645 - 综合研究统计方法在商业分析使用SAS。
NIU Preview Day
Register for the Feb. 21 Preview Day event, one of many fun ways to explore campus.
NIU Preview Day
Register for the Feb. 21 Preview Day event, one of many fun ways to explore campus.
NIU Preview Day
Register for the Feb. 21 Preview Day event, one of many fun ways to explore campus.
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NANJING Representative Office 南京办公室
Room 1402, Building E7-2, Suning Huigu, No. 268, Jiqingmen Street, Gulou District, Nanjing
电话:137-7180-3106 俞老师(Henry)
SUZHOU Representative Office 苏州办公室
Room 605, G2 Building, GENWAY I-PARK No. 88 Dongchang RD., SIP, Suzhou
CHANGZHOU Representative Office 常州办公室
ROOM 1008, Building 1A, R&D HUB, Changzhou Science and Education Town, No. 18, Changwu Zhong RD., Wujin District, Changzhou
电话:159-5123-5799 陈老师,150-6196-5158 尹老师
SHANGHAI Representative Office 上海办公室
Building B, Tongji Union Square, No. 1398, Siping RD., Yangpu District, Shanghai
电话:159-2156-8558 马老师
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