金融学硕士 Master of Science in Finance
The advanced study in the M.S. in Finance (MSF) program provides the tools and skills to prepare you for a career in a variety of fields, including investment and commercial banking, asset and wealth management, insurance, trading, and corporate finance and treasury functions. Small M.S. finance classes, as well as courses taken with MBA students, maximize interaction and learning throughout the program. Concentrations that reflect the current demands of the job market offer the flexibility to tailor students' learning experience to their career goals.
谁应该参加 Who Should Attend
The program is open to both business and non-business undergraduates and equips them with tools, ideas and frameworks to excel in early-stage finance jobs.
重要点 Key Benefit
Our M.S. in Finance program is now an academic partner with the Global Association of Risk Professionals (GARP), joining more than 40 other top graduate business schools from around the world.
GARP is a not-for-profit organization and the only globally recognized association for risk managers. It offers certification for financial risk management leading to a Financial Risk Manager (FRM) designation, which is the field's most respected and widely recognized certification. Demand for this certification has grown rapidly with registrations topping 56,500 in 2017 (representing an average annual increase of 21 percent since 2003). The FRM is the global standard in professional risk management certification, with over 35,000 certified FRMs in 150 countries and territories across the globe.
Affiliated schools incorporate the FRM curriculum into their course of study. By aligning an academic program with the FRM content matter, rigorous academic instruction can be coupled with practitioner-driven insight and certification. Through this academic partnership, you are better prepared to succeed in the challenging field of risk management.
GARP是一个非营利组织,也是全球唯一公认的风险管理人员协会。它提供金融风险管理认证,从而获得金融风险经理 (FRM) 称号,这是该领域最受尊敬和广泛认可的认证。对该认证的需求增长迅速,2017年登记人数超过5.65万(自2003年以来平均每年增长21%)。FRM是专业风险管理认证的全球标准,在全球 150 个国家和地区拥有超过 35,000 名获得认证的FRM。
附属学校将FRM课程纳入他们的学习课程。通过将学术课程与 FRM 内容保持一致,严格的学术指导可以与从业者驱动的洞察力和认证相结合。通过这种学术伙伴关系,您可以更好地准备在充满挑战的风险管理领域取得成功。
Required Courses 共10门课程,包括6门必修课和4门选修课
必修课(6门) FINA 675 Financial Modeling 金融建模 FINA 607 Financial Analysis 金融分析 FINA 620 Investment Fundamentals 投资基础 FINA 630 Analysis of Fixed Income Securities 固定收益证券分析 FINA 650 Fundamentals of Financial Markets 金融市场基础知识 FINA 674 Fincancial Risk Management 金融风险管理 必修课程重点是培养学生的金融技能以帮助做出决策。培养的金融技能,包括金融数据的使用和分析,投融资基础知识的扩展知识,以及投资分析和管理。为学生提供理论和实践工具的基础,以了解全球经济面临的金融问题。
选修课 (选4门)
Financial Risk Management Track
选择FRM方向可以得到金融风险经理人(FRM)证书,而且FRM证书是通过GARP的认证。FINA 555 Analysis of Derivative Securities 衍生证券分析 FINA 560 Financial Markets of Investment 金融市场和投资 FINA 662 Financial Management Strategies 金融管理策略 FINA 688
Financial Risk Management
FinTech Track
金融科技方向FINA 640 Introduction to FinTech 金融科技简介 CSCI 602 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 算法设计与分析 CSCI 656 Artificial Intelligence 人工智能 MSDA 681 Machine Learning and
Advanced Predictive Analytics机器学习和
高级预测分析Financial Planning Track
*金融专业认证:注册金融规划师(CFP)FINA 515 Personal Investing and Finance 个人投资和金融 FINA 526 Insurance Principles 保险原理 FINA 627 Retirement and Estate Planning 退休和遗产规划 FINA 629 Financial Planning Case Studies 金融规划案例研究 注:注册金融规划师(CFP)是对理财规划师的一种专业认证。要获得CFP委员会的指定,美国的候选人必须拥有认证学院或大学的学士学位(或更高),该学院或大学提供18个学期学分(或同等)的课程,涵盖主要规划领域。CFP认证考试是一个7小时的多项选择的考试,包括案例研究、多个迷你案例问题集和独立问题。
NIU Preview Day
Register for the Feb. 21 Preview Day event, one of many fun ways to explore campus.
NIU Preview Day
Register for the Feb. 21 Preview Day event, one of many fun ways to explore campus.
NIU Preview Day
Register for the Feb. 21 Preview Day event, one of many fun ways to explore campus.
NIU CHINA Representative Office 美国北伊利诺伊大学中国代表处
NANJING Representative Office 南京办公室
Room 1402, Building E7-2, Suning Huigu, No. 268, Jiqingmen Street, Gulou District, Nanjing
电话:137-7180-3106 俞老师(Henry)
SUZHOU Representative Office 苏州办公室
Room 605, G2 Building, GENWAY I-PARK No. 88 Dongchang RD., SIP, Suzhou
CHANGZHOU Representative Office 常州办公室
ROOM 1008, Building 1A, R&D HUB, Changzhou Science and Education Town, No. 18, Changwu Zhong RD., Wujin District, Changzhou
电话:159-5123-5799 陈老师,150-6196-5158 尹老师
SHANGHAI Representative Office 上海办公室
Building B, Tongji Union Square, No. 1398, Siping RD., Yangpu District, Shanghai
电话:159-2156-8558 马老师
校本部地址:Barsema Hall, Dekalb, Illinois 60115-2828