NIU Preview Day
Register for the Feb. 21 Preview Day event, one of many fun ways to explore campus.
NIU Preview Day
Register for the Feb. 21 Preview Day event, one of many fun ways to explore campus.
NIU Preview Day
Register for the Feb. 21 Preview Day event, one of many fun ways to explore campus.
大学简介丨University Introduction
北伊利诺伊大学(Northern Illinois University),简称 NIU,是位于美国伊利诺伊州迪卡尔布的一所公立学校,由伊利诺伊州州长约翰•彼得•奥尔特盖尔德于1895年5月22日建立。共设有6所本科学院和2所研究院,专业以商科为最好。据《America’s Best Colleges 1995》大学年鉴指出,学生选修最多的学科,包括商科管理(17%)、社会科学(15%)、教育(9%)、健康科学(8%)、大众传播(8%)。
NIU被《美国新闻与世界报道》评为一级国家级大学,学术声誉全美排第23名。《美国新闻与世界报道》新闻杂志将该校列为“国家大学”(National University),即一所学校有进行显著研究,并有颁授博士学位课程。
Sarah J. Marsh
Ph.D., University of North Carolina; associate professor of management; presenter at the Academy of Management annual meetings and Strategic Management International Conferences; consultant in the area of international development; teaches strategic management and policy and capstone case study.
James M. Johnson
Ph.D., Ohio State University; professor of finance; consultant to business and industry specializing in corporate finance, and lease finance; conducts numerous workshops for industry organizations and private firms; published over 50 articles and books; advised numerous firms, including AT&T, Amoco, Coca Cola Financial, GE Capital, IBM Credit, and U.S. Department of Defense; winner of several Golden Apple Awards*; teaches financial analysis and capstone case study.
Pamela Smith
C.P.A., Ph.D., University of North Texas; associate professor of accountancy; winner of the Department of Accountancy's Outstanding Educator of the Year; corporate accounting experience; author of numerous articles on financial reporting/accounting standard setting; teaches introductory accounting; winner of several Golden Apple Awards*
Charles Petersen ll
Ph.D., Indiana University; associate professor of operations management and information systems; author of publications in the area of production management; presented papers before the Decision Sciences Institute; taught quantitative and logistics management seminars in Finland and Egypt; professional experience with McDonnell Douglas Corporation; teaches operations analysis.
Martin Cabrera Jr.
CEO and Founder, Cabrera Capital Partners, LLC
Cabrera Capital首席执行官和创始人,合伙人
CEO and Founder, Cabrera Capital Partners, LLC
Cabrera Capital首席执行官和创始人,合伙人
Chairman of the Board and Founder of CommScope Inc.
CommScope Inc.的董事会主席和创始人
Frank M. Drendel
Executive Vice President of MGM Grand Hotel and Casino
John L. Shigley
最新资讯丨Recent News
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纯美式教学思维 高质量课程设计 TOP级师资讲学 多元化教学方式 互动感课堂氛围 真实性案例研究
NIU 2022年春季招生简章|Global MBA 全球工商管理硕士
打造沉浸式国际体验 建立全局观思维方式 探索战略性解决方案 培养智慧型领导人才
NIU CHINA Representative Office 美国北伊利诺伊大学中国代表处
NANJING Representative Office 南京办公室
Room 1402, Building E7-2, Suning Huigu, No. 268, Jiqingmen Street, Gulou District, Nanjing
电话:137-7180-3106 俞老师(Henry)
SUZHOU Representative Office 苏州办公室
Room 605, G2 Building, GENWAY I-PARK No. 88 Dongchang RD., SIP, Suzhou
CHANGZHOU Representative Office 常州办公室
ROOM 1008, Building 1A, R&D HUB, Changzhou Science and Education Town, No. 18, Changwu Zhong RD., Wujin District, Changzhou
电话:159-5123-5799 陈老师,150-6196-5158 尹老师
SHANGHAI Representative Office 上海办公室
Building B, Tongji Union Square, No. 1398, Siping RD., Yangpu District, Shanghai
电话:159-2156-8558 马老师
校本部地址:Barsema Hall, Dekalb, Illinois 60115-2828