Mark Groza
Mark Groza在马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校获得博士学位。他的论文研究了销售人员如何最好地利用市场资源来实现卓越的业绩。
Enterprise Holdings Associate Professor of Sales, Department of Marketing
Ph.D., Business Management, University of Massachusetts
Mark Groza received his Ph.D. at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. His dissertation examined how salespeople can best utilize marketing resources to achieve superior performance.
He has received numerous teaching and research awards. In 2011 he received an American Marketing Association best track paper award; in 2012 he was awarded the UMASS Isenberg School of Management Outstanding Doctoral Student Teaching and Outstanding Doctoral Student Research Awards; he received first place in the 2012 Mary Kay Doctoral Dissertation Competition held by the Academy of Marketing Science; in 2013 he received the overall best paper award at the National Conference in Sales Management.
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